
Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Book Review: American Sniper

Everyone that I know has read American Sniper, or has at least seen the movie. It’s honestly not my kind of book, but this summer I decided I really needed to branch out. Trashy romance novels and professional development books probably shouldn’t be the only thing I read. I do love them though!

I bought my copy this summer while visiting family, and figured I could read at the beach or on the plane. I had anticipated it taking some time to really get into, but I have to tell you, I really liked it! It was so well written, and he interspersed the military and war aspect, with his wife’s feelings and perspectives. This made the book so much more interesting and “real” to me.

Chris Kyle was an incredible person, and his wife was also amazing. It takes a strong person to love someone through all the scary stuff they had to deal with. I think one of the things that I enjoyed the most about this book was that the reader could feel his honesty. Everything that he said and described in the book just seemed real. He didn’t sugarcoat or glorify war; he just described it as almost addictive. He was there with his brothers doing his job, and he liked and believed in his job.

I really love how he was able to take his experiences from being a SEAL, and translate it into a job that he loved, and which also served a greater purpose. Beginning a sniper school was a really cool idea, and probably provided a lot of people with practical knowledge and practice. I love that he become involved with helping vets to recuperate from the war. He never used that word, but he that’s what he did. He did it in a way that the war vets could understand and relate to, and made them comfortable. Sitting around telling stories, hiking, and going to a shooting range were all amazing ways to help the guys to relax and feel comfortable.

The main thing I took away from this story is that no matter how Americans feel about war from a personal or political standpoint, we need to stand by our soldiers. They are out there everyday fighting and experiencing things that I can’t even imagine, because they believe in us. They believe in America.

Now that I’ve finished American Sniper, I’m moving on to Paper Towns! Has anyone here read it? What did you think?
Monday, July 27, 2015

Assess Me!

I just stumbled onto this super cute Link up hosted by The Tattooed Teacher. She’s hosting an ice breaker for the next 3-4 weeks in honor of back to school. You can head over to her blog to link up. 

Thanks for stopping by! Be sure to head over to The Tattooed Teacher to link up!

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Tell all Tuesday: If my Life was a Reality Show, it Would be Called..

This week the ladies of Teach, Talk, Inspire and My Day in K came up with a super creative and fun topic. Our topic this week is…if my life was a reality show it would be called…

I honestly don’t know that much about reality shows. I really only watch Pit Bulls and Parolees and Keeping up with the Kardashian's (that’s my dirty secret!) Thinking of a name for my life as reality show was a lot harder then I expected it to be.

Then I started thinking about when my husband and I first moved to Virginia, and we knew no one!! We had zero friends. Eventually we started playing kickball after I was recruited by the P.E. teacher at my school, and the rest is history! We went from not knowing anyone, to having 20-30 amazingly awesome and close friends. Seriously, these people are like family! There are about 250 people in the league, and they are all super fun and friendly, but the group we started hanging out with are hysterical! They love a theme-and any event or party will have a theme and costume. Charity event? Yup. Graduation? Yup! Super hero night? Uh, yea! Seriously, these people are awesome! 

(Super Woman and Mortal Kombat, Christmas onesie party, Zebra onesie and hat)
I actually had to take a year off for medical reasons, and so now I am a kickball wife. I get to stand on the sideline and hold the kicking lineup, make sure there is enough beer and water for everyone, snacks if needed. Mostly though I just cheer and bring my dogs. Being on the sideline is actually pretty awesome. No stress about having to do well, just watching and chatting with friends. You would be amazed how much you can learn about people and their “habits” when you are on the sideline. So much drama!! Which is actually what inspired me to call a reality show about my life: The Waka Wives of Kickball. (I think it has a nice right to it.)

Join our party! I would love to read all about your life as a reality show!! Click on one of the buttons below to join.
