
Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Tell All Tuesday: Teacher Bucket List

 This week I'm linking up for Tell all Tuesday, hosted by Teach Talk Inspire and My Day in K! I'm a little late to the party, but better late then never, right? 

This week's topic is: Teacher Bucket List. What do want to accomplish? What are your goals that you want to reach as a teacher? Summer is the perfect time to sit back, relax, and reflect. If you're like me, you're already thinking about the upcoming school year, and asking yourself, what can I do better? Where do I want to be in 20 years? 

These are my goals: 

Grow my TPT store and blog: I know I am not alone in wanting to accomplish this goal. TPT is such a great way to gain some independence and explore the idea of having a small business. I honestly never considered myself artsy or overly creative, but I love creating things that are going to help kids and teachers to be more successful. The desire to see my students grow and improve is one of the main reasons I am challenging myself to create one product a least for the summer. Blogging doesn't yet feel natural, but it's such a great way to connect with other teachers, and to share ideas and resources that I want to really focus on updating and following other blogs. 

Become a Special Education Coach: I love teaching Special Education. I am a firm believer that my kids can do anything, regardless of their disability category. I have been teaching Special Education in the inclusive setting for 2 years and I love it. I really do. I believe that inclusion is a positive way to provide extra support to not only students in Special Education, but ALL students in the classroom. The strategies that we use in Special Education can help ALL kids. The district that I currently work for is diligently working to improve our inclusion model, and I would love to be part of it. I believe that my passion and belief in the positive aspects on inclusion would truly help other teachers. Also, I have all these great resources from Teachers Pay Teachers (wink, wink.)

Las Vegas: I have been stalking the blogs and Instagram pics of the teachers who are attending the Vegas conference, and I am so jealous! It looks amazing! My goal is to be able to attend next year and meet all these fantastic bloggers that I am following. Dream big, right? 

What are your professional hopes, dreams, and goals? 
Monday, June 22, 2015

Week 2: Dare to Dream

It's week two of the TPT Seller Challenge with Third in Hollywood, Sparkling in Second, PeppyZestyTeacherista, and Teach Create MotivateThis week we are blogging about our goals and dreams for our TPT business. 

TeachersPayTeachers is an amazing opportunity to build connections with other teachers, as well as create an independent business that provides a supplemental income. I'm pretty new to this, and I'm learning a lot throughout this challenge about how to blog and create products more effectively. I'm so excited to see where this opportunity takes me!

1. For me the number one motivation for building my TPT business, is my family. Someday I am hoping to have children, and I would LOVE to adopt a child or sibling set. I have also have friends who have encountered fertility issues and would like to be prepared, just in case. My dream would be to stay home with my kids, at least for the first year or so. 

2. Oh the joy of student loans. I was very lucky to emerge from college with very little debt (thanks Mom and Dad!) And then I decided that I wanted to become a Special Education teacher. At the time, school districts were in crisis and were firing and not hiring. So I figured I would get dual Master's degrees in General Education and Special Education from one of the better known University's in Boston to make myself more marketable. It worked, and while I certainly don't regret that choice, I will be paying these loans for long time. 

3. Personal and Professional success. Becoming successful on TPT will help me to become more successful and balanced in my everyday life. I am so  fortunate  and blessed to have an amazing husband and extended family, a beautiful house, 2 adorable dogs, and friends who are like family in our adopted state of VA. However, we have encountered some challenges in the last year and half, and becoming successful at building my brand would go a long way towards making my other two dreams a reality. Right now, I am just beginning my TPT dream, and I know it is going to take a lot of time and energy, but I'm ready. 

Now it's your turn. What are your goals and dreams? 

If you’d like to link up, click on one of the buttons below:

Peppy Zesty Teacherista

                                                           Sparkling in Second