
Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Summer Bucket List Link Up!

So this week starts week 1 of my summer vacation, and I am so looking forward to relaxing and getting back to blogging. I've been trying to stay more focused on eating healthy food and creating a fitness schedule for myself, so you may see the occasional post on here about that. 

Today though I'm linking up with Natalie at What the Teacher Wants for a Summer Bucket List! What an awesome way to kick off the summer!

So here's my Summer Bucket List: 


One of the things that I am constantly struggling to keep up with is keeping all my teaching materials organized and easily accessible. Because I work with 3 grades, I have a lot of SOL’s and skills to cover. I like to have at least one differentiated activity that I can use for each SOL, which to means that I have a lot of things to organize. This winter we had almost two weeks of snow days; eventually I got bored and used that time to organize my materials.

 Inevitably, instead of filing each item in its correct place, I just throw it on top of the bin. Oops! So, this summer I want to get everything back in its place, and get all my new materials labeled and filed away for next year.

(This picture picture was taken right after everything was organized.
 It's currently not as messy as the first picture, and not as organized as the second. )
Organize my IEP Binder: I keep an IEP binder that has parent contact information and tracking, IEP goal pages, goal tracking information, accommodation pages, testing information, and IEP at a glance that I give to all teachers. I love this binder because it keeps all my students information in one easy to see place. The IEP at a glance is very helpful for general education teachers. I have a signature sheet that they have to sign and this stapled to my copy so I have a proof they have received it. No more excuses, provide those accommodations!

(This is not the actual binder, that's locked up at school, but I do use these items to keep organized.)

Professional Development: All this really Means is that I have a stack of books on Special Education, Inclusion Strategies, Collaboration Strategies, and Words Their Way that I want to read.


Workout Consistently: I have been really struggling with this. Between life being crazy and some medical things this year, this part of my life has suffered. However, the last several weeks I have been working hard to create new healthy eating and fitness routines, and I’m actually making it work. Now, I just need to keep it up.

Paint the Guest Room: My husband and I bought our house almost three years ago; we have painted every room except the guest room and the room we use for our dogs. Yup, we have a dog room. I want to get the guest room painted before the end of the summer.

(Was inspired by this post and got started today!)

Remember to Post and Blog About TPT products: Yea, I’ve been really bad at about this. I’ve been making new products (slowly because I’m pretty new at all this,) and I’ll post them on IG and Facebook, but I always forget to blog about them. My goal this summer is to remember not to neglect my poor blog!

Beach time! I don’t think I need to explain this one. Listening to the waves crash with sand between my toes, yea that’s my happy place.

Grandparents: My Grandparents are AMAZING. I am so fortunate to have two such loving and active people in my life. My grandfather is 98 and until recently went to the gym every morning. How’s that for motivation? My grandmother is 96 years old, and she is the epitome of sassy. I can’t wait to see them again!

Snuggling the puppies: This is one of my favorite things to do. I have an 8-year-old golden retriever named Brady, and a 2-year-old lab named Daisy Mae. They are awesome and love to snuggle morning and night. I’m pretty sure Brady would stay in bed all day if we let him. 


  1. Once you get everything organized, you think, "Surely I can keep it this way, as long as I put things back once I'm done using them." And it NEVER turns out that way!

    Also, your dogs are absolutely adorable!!!

    Shine on in First Grade

    1. So true! It's a never ending job trying to stay organized. Maybe I can teach the dogs to file papers....Thanks for stopping by!
